Intro to SQL Course
Course Information
This course is 6 hours with a 3o-minute break for lunch
Classes will have a maximum of 20 students
No prior coding knowledge required
Course will include lectures and hands-on exercises where students will practice writing code
Dual monitors are highly recommend - it's important for students to be able write code while watching the lectures (Note: Tablets/iPads can be used to view the lectures in lieu of a second monitor)
Class requires software installation prior to class, but optional troubleshooting help will be provided 15 mins before class starts. We'll be using the free version of DB Visualizer to connect to databases and execute queries.
Both PCs and Mac computers are supported for this course
Overview of SQL Databases
Learn why databases are so popular in business
Understand the tools and architecture for databases
Review basic database terminology
Fundamentals of Queries
Learn the basic query structure for requesting data
Summarize data with basic aggregation functions (e.g., SUM, COUNT)
Sample data using LIMIT
Filtering and Sorting Data
Add logic to filter the important data your query results
Use pattern matching to filter text
Sort results using ORDER BY
Merge Data with Joins
Combine data from two or more tables for more sophisticated analyses
Understand logic used to merge data
Summarize Data with Group By
Construct queries to summarize your results for reporting
Similar technique to spreadsheet Pivot Tables